Phone : +1 917 470 6386
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Letters From Clients
About Our Studio In Great Neck, New York
First Time At The Studio
Our Location – Great Neck, New York
Private Yoga Sessions
Group Yoga classes
Breath Work Sessions
Meditation & Mindfulness
Women Circle
Prenatal Yoga
Mommy and Me Yoga
Family Yoga
Kids Yoga Program
Teens Yoga Program
Restorative Yoga
Feminine Yoga
Yoga Therapy
School & After School Programs In Long Island New York
Customized Corporations Workshops
Customized Breath-work Workshops
Reiki & Sound Bath
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Yoga sign up
Yoga sign up
Prenatal Yoga Class
Date :
Wed 24 July 2024
Please Select Course Fee Below-
Course Fee :
In person class:
Online class:
Did you fill out the Health Waiver Form previously ?
Date of birth
Child's date of birth
As parent or legal guardian of the child listed above, I consent to the above terms and conditions by entering my full name here
Terms and Conditions
It is your responsibility to inform the instructor of your limitations before class begins.I represent and warrant that I am in good physical health and do not suffer from any medical conditionwhich would limit my participation in the in-person or online classes offered by Yoga Mind LI Inc. Iunderstand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation inany of the yoga in-person or online classes, workshops, or other activities. I understand the risks associatedwith the in-person or online classes, workshops, or other activities offered by Yoga Mind LI Inc. and I agreeto follow all instructions so that I may safely participate in the in-person or online classes, workshops, orother activities. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, adjust the posture and askfor support from the teacher. I will continue to breathe smoothly.I hereby irrevocably waive and release Yoga Mind LI Inc., its owners, officers, employees, and instructorsfrom any claim, demand, cause of action of any kind resulting from or related to my participation in theprograms offered at the studio or online. In taking part in the yoga in-person or online classes, workshops,or other activities at Yoga Mind LI Inc., I understand and acknowledge that I am fully responsible for anyand all risks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of my participation inthe in-person or online classes, workshops, or other activities.I have read the above release and waiver of liability and fully understand its content. I am legally competentto sign and voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.Please practice mindfully and enjoy the many benefits of practicing yoga with Yoga Mind LI *
I Agree to the
Terms and Conditions
of the Health Waiver Form.
Proceed to payment
About us
Studio Founder
My Blogs
Letters From Clients
About Our Studio In Great Neck, New York
First Time At The Studio
Our Location – Great Neck, New York
Private Yoga Sessions
Group Yoga classes
Breath Work Sessions
Meditation & Mindfulness
Women Circle
Prenatal Yoga
Mommy and Me Yoga
Family Yoga
Kids Yoga Program
Teens Yoga Program
Restorative Yoga
Feminine Yoga
Yoga Therapy
School & After School Programs In Long Island New York
Customized Corporations Workshops
Customized Breath-work Workshops
Reiki & Sound Bath
Contact Us